Celebrate your wedding at the Gaisrieglhof!

  • Welcome your guests with Schilcher sparkling wine on our terrace with a view!
  • Our charming registrar awaits you in the vine bower decorated with candles.
  • The church wedding is held in the Sternkapelle chapel.
  • A formal wedding ceremony is followed by traditional Styrian agape with freshly baked wood oven bread and salt, along with fruity Welschriesling from the region.
  • The wood-panelled parlours of the Gaisrieglhof are lovingly decorated and prepared for the feast – a hearty Styrian buffet.
  • To enjoy the romantic sunset over the hills of eastern Styria, the wedding cake is cut on the terrace by torch light.
  • The party can continue into the small hours in the cosy wood-panelled parlours!

We also organise the following on request:

  • Colourful balloons to launch greeting cards
  • Gingerbread hearts as name cards for the dinner table
  • Table decorations with wild flowers
  • Present for guests – apple truffle pralines
  • Outdoor dance floor
  • Shooting range in the Troadkasten
  • Tree trunk nailing
  • Bride kidnapping in a hot air balloon over the Styrian spa country
  • Fire bowls and candles to light the Gaisrieglhof

Inquriy for your wedding